HA Infomation

General Discussion


  • Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 07. 2011 16:03


something has to be said here.......

ps: the settup of the ships are in the Description of the video.... ps: the sub had 900 sd  


  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 13:24

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

Originally Posted by Challen76

So the fact that BB's can carry PHH AND have escorts are overpowered because you said it yourself... Skilled PHH beats skilled sub. In this case - Rock beats paper and scisscors effortlessly.

Umm... a skilled sub can avoid PHH by critdiving the the second it fires a torp volley... because he knows he just exposed his general location and people will PHH/HH the area.

I dunno, I've tried to look at ships to see if they have PHH/HH loaded, but its hard to tell. I find it easier to learn the hard way, then make note of the player that uses PHH/HH on their BB for next time.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 13:42

Originally Posted by Challen76
This is simply not true. A BB 1v1 against a sub, the sub has very little chance to survive simply due to the fact that it requires his team to scout for him. In GB2, a skilled BB player will force the sub to start using air supply as soon as possible and utilize patience and situational awareness to ensure their impact is minimal.

Subs have sonar to scout for themselves. A BB relies on his team to scout the sub for him.
A BB with no ASW has no chance against a sub unless someone can scout it for them.

Originally Posted by Challen76

So the fact that BB's can carry PHH AND have escorts are overpowered because you said it yourself... Skilled PHH beats skilled sub. In this case - Rock beats paper and scisscors effortlessly.

Exactly my point? This needs to be rebalanced.

Originally Posted by Challen76

That is exactly the point behind setting up your BB however you want. Really it just sounds like want a ship that can kill everything.

Customization is about choosing a play-style, not who you want to win against and lose against. If you don't want that, than go play RPS. Every ship in this game has potential kill every other ship, but it is too heavy of RPS currently, and that is bad. Sounds like you want to be able to get easy kills on ships, rather than using skill to outplay your enemy.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 14:01

SS Balance
Ok I have read and listened to all the suggestions in this post. I also went back and read the old forms from when the subs first came out. I have also got in my KM SS4 and played it in real games, sold my IJP when I first came back about 2 month ago. But have a at level 3MN sub I made after coming back as well a MN BB and a SN BB all within two month, that is part of the problem, way to fast, but anyway.

I have concluded that the SS 4 are NOT over powered, (The crews you can put on them are). My KM sub with a 105 eng. And 1 100 repairman dose 30 submerged and 40 on the top if I put one more Repairman on I lose speed. I would get a longer OH but 1 eng, and 1 repairman is all you should be able to put on that ship and you can’t get 900 SD. People that have 120 Eng or Repairman should not be able to put them on a SS4. That should be for SS 5-6 subs, however there speed or air supply should not go higher just there OH time.

If you do nothing to Subs but limit the crew size you can put on per tear SS 1-6 just like I can’t put my BB 5 crews on DDs you will have solved a big problem. I would go so far as to say a buff to SS1-3 in speed is needed at level. But they fire fewer torps, not enough to sink a BB but enough to get some XP from them just like a FF or DD can run in and get a few hits on a BB without being able to hurt it much unless it’s lost it SD.

One of the funny things about this is the people who level there crew on BBs to 120 and then put them on a Sub (not everyone) when they are in there BB6 they want to kill everything, then they turn around and put them on a Sub and laugh until someone else dose it and sinks there BB 5-6 then they cry about it.

Conclusion simplest way to balance Subs is by the crew they can put on them, number of trops they can fire and the speed they are able to move at. There should be a big Buff in XP for FF,DD,CLs for sinking Subs, to make people want to ASW.

OK break out flame throwers and have at it.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 15:05

RPS is the system Navyfield uses simple dont like talk to SDE;
Now my eyes Exp system change
A- Unerf Sub Exp
B- Make it where all ships no matter what the ship (including other subs get a massive XP bonus for damage/killing subs
C- Should a L1 Kill a Kaiser NO does that mean it does not happen no its all about skill players v no skill players people dont tend to see that with 10 subs in a game that not all 10 subs will have 100k+ attack games in fact only 1 or 2 out of the ten..

Simple rule everything has a counter such that
BB wins v BB
BB wins v CV endgame
BB wins v SS with HH
CV wins v BB with no AA
CV wins v CV
CV win v SS with HH
SS wins v SS
SS wins v BB with no HH
DD/CL wins v SS via HH
DD/CL wins v CV AA

In fact the most easy ships to kill in GB2 are DD/CL & subs.... With that said these same ships can cause the biggest impact for there Team.... In my eyes in the end it comes to the NF split witch is always fail.... 3 AA boats on A while none on B or 3 FW cvs v 3 BWs... that balance system is broken that why the RPS does not always work.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 16:32

Originally Posted by Esoom

A BB with no ASW has no chance against a sub unless someone can scout it for them.

Oh really... I'd love to test this with you - Do you have SS4 to test against a BB3?
Originally Posted by Esoom

Customization is about choosing a play-style, not who you want to win against and lose against. If you don't want that, than go play RPS. Every ship in this game has potential kill every other ship, but it is too heavy of RPS currently, and that is bad. Sounds like you want to be able to get easy kills on ships, rather than using skill to outplay your enemy.

You should understand that by choosing a playstyle whether its AW, SW, PHH and AA, you are giving yourself a competive advantage against specific ships while reducing your effectiveness vs. others.

And yes - I do like getting easy kills on ships. You should also understand that part of skill is knowing when you can go in to get those easy kills.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 16:50

Originally Posted by Challen76

You are correct - Since this is in fact a team game, we don't need to balance subs.


Originally Posted by SK_Bismarck

but you can not balance ship across the ship class because each class have different role in team...due to this should be possible that lower lever ship from one ship class is more efficient agains higher level ship from other ship class but less efficient agains lower level from another ship class...

double rofl

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 16:53

Originally Posted by Sonlirain

Originally Posted by Challen76

So the fact that BB's can carry PHH AND have escorts are overpowered because you said it yourself... Skilled PHH beats skilled sub. In this case - Rock beats paper and scisscors effortlessly.

Umm... a skilled sub can avoid PHH by critdiving the the second it fires a torp volley... because he knows he just exposed his general location and people will PHH/HH the area.

you know you can use gradual right?why would you waste all in one shot if you can slowly place shots in line keeping the sub crit dived or waiting for him to think the volley is over and continue the attack? Ive killed so many subs like this lol...from the time subs were released Ive never had any serious trouble with them.Only thing that needs to be seriously changed is the normal HHs, because 2x reload time over PHHs is kinda too much...and people motivating with argument lvl 75-80 ship shouldnt kill a lvl 120 ship are wrong because a lvl 1 FF can kill any lvl sub its just that most people dont care about sub hunting and its not being encouraged(bonus exp?)...its not for nothing 99% of capital ships were escorted by DDs because they knew how devastating can a sub attack be if it goes unseen.

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 17:50

This continues, lol.

I played this battle yesterday, the only one i played with BB6, half of supports with no experts.
2 SS4s and 1 SS3 tried to rush me all together and the nub subs in my team were all north. Despite of that they were killed becausse JUST ONE DD in my team did his job staying with me, my HHs helped too.
I laugh at all who say that subs are overpowered, only one DD was needed to scout those subs and they just were food, all of them with 4 golds. 1 DD + 1 BB owned 3 high lvl subs easy.

Keep breaking the game balances like you did with Charlemagne. I maybe played like 12 battlles since the patch with it, half of them making more of 300k per GB. People is asking since YEARs a buff for H44 ... NOTHING has been made about it in YEARS, its so hard to give him 1 more knot and problem solved? ... but no problem in giving 42 knots to a BB6 for making this abomination.

Many very important things to do, but it seems it is much important to nerf the subs, mr. lj doesnt like them becausse there are many fleets that use them far better than yours, so instead adapting the solution is nerfing, a nerfing that will be mostly done by old BB drivers obviusly.

Oh, do you have many SS4s? Really? Leveled up d_ron style. Let me quote what did you say about him:

Originally Posted by ljsevern

And that Amagi will likely be food because they don't know how to play IJN.

And you dont know how to play subs, many of old BB drivers like you dont know how to play them .. but you cry they are overpowered and you want to nerf them ... lol. Any experienced SS4 with lvl120 crew doesnt make more average damage than a experienced BB3 with lvl120 crew, but obviously you dont know that because u dont know subs so well as you think. Average damage is more or less the same in a SS4 than in a BB3 with lvl120 crews, that means SS4s are not overpowered, what more proofs you want ?????

Anyways seeing the work made with the charlemagne ... well , who knows what are going to happen with the sub nerf, lol. I expect any thing. Maybe if you continue playing with game balances touching everything you will create the "fire", that beats rocks, papers, and scissors, who knows.

My points are clear, for those who wanted to read them.

Im done with this thread.

Bye, bye ^^

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 18:06

Originally Posted by Cracko

I played this battle yesterday, the only one i played with BB6, half of supports with no experts.
2 SS4s and 1 SS3 tried to rush me all together and the nub subs in my team were all north. Despite of that they were killed becausse JUST ONE DD in my team did his job staying with me, my HHs helped too.
I laugh at all who say that subs are overpowered, only one DD was needed to scout those subs and they just were food, all of them with 4 golds. 1 DD + 1 BB owned 3 high lvl subs easy.

And IF that DD had not been there to do "his job"?
Using one example of success does not change the fact that subs need to be balanced.
"Bye Bye ^^"

  • Re : Ijn SS4 Test......

    08. 10. 2011 18:30

Originally Posted by heatrr

And IF that DD had not been there to do "his job"?
Using one example of success does not change the fact that subs need to be balanced.
"Bye Bye ^^"

Oh right - Because 1 ship should be autowin... right heatrr?